Thursday, January 27, 2011

saved by korean drama n musics !!

:: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . . . . .
Boring yang t'amat sgt ni . . . done with doing chores the house n masak tok smue yang skola 2 blek nk mkn ! nk wat ape lg ni ?? seriously boring + geram = me !! Jd ? ape lg . . . surf internet la jawab nyer . . . facebook ag !! x de bnde len ke nk wat ni . . . . . Pk punye pk ...hah !! Dapat 1 akal  . . . . nk taw ke ?? hahahaha . . . .jeng jeng jeng . . . .

hah !!
ni la yang menyelamatkan aq dri tros tgglm dlm keboringan yang t'amat sgt !!
hahahaha . . . .

:: Actually , yang menyelamatkan aq bkn citer ni la . .
tp citer korea yang laen  . . . tajok nye : LOVEHOLIC !
Cdey giler arh story nyer . . KANG WOOK , nme hero nye . . dye ni troublemaker kat dlm skola dye kat daerah chung-choon (kat dlm citer 2 la kat negara korea ) Heroin nye , ckgu kelas dye sndri yang bru pindah kat skola 2 . . . 1st tyme jd ckgu plak 2 . . nme ckgu dye tu : YOOL JOO ! Comel gler  . . .( x la comel sgt sbnrnye . . .tp comel la dri aq ) hahahaha . . .

:: Try la tgk ! Best gler . . . and music yang aq dgr dri pgi cmpai la ptg : ( jap erh . . .aq list kat bwh )

~MAHER ZAIN : Palestine will be free , Always be there
~ N'SYNS : This I promise you
~ BACKSTREET BOYS : It's true , Shape of my heart

:: Hurm . . . 2 je la kot yang aq wat ari ni . . . aq tgk citer korean drama 2 kat youtube . . . clear je . . . they had a sad ending !! Waaa . . nk nanges je ase . . tp hero nye ttp d'hati . . . . hahahah . . da la 2 ! Ape ag yang korg nk taw ??

p/s : the end x the end mane la .... hahaha( glak jahat )
miss him !

Monday, January 24, 2011

interview time !!

hello there . . . first of all , just nk ckp yg i going to propose a job for myself dkt kilang jep . . . . rase boring yg t'amat sgt da dok kat uma ni n wat bnde yg cme . . . . . tension u know !! At least , i hve some other things to do when i'm working in the factory , isn't ?? right !! Oke . . . . nk dimulakan crite nyer . . . tepat jam 8.30 pagi @ a.m. not p.m. . . .i gather with my friends aliah n syahirah n as usually i called them "lea" n "syira" at my home sweet home . . . . then my beloved daddy antar ktowg g kat kilang tu la . . . . bile cmpai tu , perasaan seram + gerun suddenly appear . . . . ktowg pon msok la kat dlm kilang tu . . . . then ad 2 org pakcik guard ni . . . . tnye kat ktowg . . . "ye dik , nk cri cpe ye kat cni ??" . . . . syira pon jwb la kat pakcik tu on our behalf . . . . "ktowg nk cri keje pakcik . . .nk jmpe cpe ye ??" . . . . pakcik guard tu boleh plak wat lawak . . . . dye ckp "nk cri keje ke nk minx keje dik ??  . . .pastu sengih cm kerang busuk ! Hish la pakcik ni !! Smackdown karang !! Ktowg pon jwb la blek kat pakcik tu . . . "hurm , ye la pakcik ! Nk minx keje , boleh ??  Pakcik tu pon suh la ktowg tulis borang msok n ktowg ape lagi . . . enter la kat dlm factory tu . . . .
       Lame gak ktowg jd mak pacak kat ctu . . . . ad la dlm 1/2 jam . . . . ad akak kat dlm ofis tu suh ktowg tggu kjap . . . tp belame2 . . . sakit kaki + geram = ktowg !! Da pnat t'cacak kat ctu , ad la satu nyonya ni , pggl ktowg . . . . . Alhamdulillah. . . .ingat mmg xnk pggl da. . . huk3 . . ! mmg x reti sabar aq ni . . . Nyonya tu pon ape lg . . . . ckp straight jep la . . . . dye ckp cmni la lebih kurang . . . ."company ni bg basic ckit , kalau korg just nk cube2 je . . i think x payah ! ktowg kat company ni da slalu kne . . .bdk dtg nk minx keje then when ktowg da buat medical check up . . .suddenly dowg kate xnk keje" . . . . kesian plak aq dgr citer nyonya tu . . .then nyonya tu bg ktowg borg minx keje . . . . dye suh ktowg isi then tggu for the interview . . .
     Bape minit lpas tu , ad plak 1 kakak ni dtg . . . .dye la yg akan interview ktowg . . . dlm sejam gak la nk abes kan 4 org for the interview. . . .4 org ??? bukan aq pgi 3 org jep ke ?? hahahaha . . . . aq x citer erh ? mase ktowg t'cacak td ad 1 mamat ni . .  . . boleh la quite handsome .  . . . . dtg minx keje gak. . .  hihihi. . . dah2 !! X ley lebih2 . . . . pastu , da selesai sume . . ktowg pon nk blek la kan ? tibe2 pulak ayah i ckp dye da msok kje .  . . .  ktowg nk blek naik pe ni ? sudah ! Last2 bpk syira dtg amek ktowg . . . oke la . . hik3 . .
     Aq rase tu jep kott yg nk citer . .oke . . farewell to all . . . .daaa~

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A better life in love..

Cinta yang dibina bukan cinta kosong tetapi cinta yang punya pengertian yang luhur dan hanya dapat dirasakan dengan jiwa yang bersih yang sentiasa mencari tuhan...
Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh cinta,cintakanlah aku pada seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya pada-Mu,agar bertambah kekuatan ku untuk menyintai-Mu...
Ar-Rahman, jika aku jatuh hati pada seseorang, izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati seseorang yang hatinya tertaut kepadamu agar tidak terjatuh aku dalam jurang cinta nafsu...
Ya Rabbana, jika aku jatuh hati jagalah hatiku padanya agar tidak berpaling dari hati-Mu...

Subhanallah..aku menyintainya...
Subhanallah..aku menyayanginya...
Dari ufuk timur hingga ke barat...
Selalu di hatimu...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Being a busy woman..

Hello n hye to u all . . .this week is first week of my life in 2011 . . . . nothing interesting but only being tired n lonely w/o my family . . . waaa.....rse nk nangis jep. . . . actually . . aida is coming here in february . .  . .want to celebrate her birthday n being a working person herself . . . . now . .she wants to join me in melaka . . . .wah! so exciting . . . . can't wait to see the day . . . now i'm very busy. . . ( busy ke? ) n hard to open this blog daily . . . if i have free time i'm sure to post something here . . . .ok then . . . luv all . . :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

feel like in a prison

Hello there, today fira is not in a good condition . . .got a fever since last night . . .just being at home by myself . . .so boring u know! Keep myself in doing chores at home feel like in a prison . . .i know people alwys said home sweet home . . .but today i denied it! Being in sick condition just feel not so right . . .wake up me! Can't be a weak person . . .its time for fun and clean out the house . . .huk3 . . . Luv myself n all . . . salam . . . :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

its time to upgrade urself!

hello n love from me to all my dear out there . . .now . .at this time . .09.45 a.m . .my only n personal blog is created! wah! its gives me a lot of fun n joy being an upgraded person! Today is my 1st time being alone at melake n accompany by my beloved pa . . .huk3 . .:) My wish in this happy new year is hoping to becoming a great n successful person! wherever i was . . .k ! luv all !